Sunday, August 11, 2013

To Lead or Not to Lead, That is the Question

We've been debating whether or not to lead our lines aft to avoid leaving the cockpit in rough weather to adjust our sails so as to reduce the risk of injury or falling overboard.  But we are starting to see the cons to the concept.  One is that the more turns and bends in a line, the more friction is introduced into the system, and this fact alone makes lowering sails more difficult.
"The more complex a machine or procedure or set-up becomes, the less directly it applies its power. Simple forces applied intelligently should carry the day. This is no snub of wile or cleverness or inventiveness, only a caution against dissipating your efforts in the bother and friction of complication." -- Jan Adkins, Moving Heavy Things

So I think we will leave our system as is, and get used to and practice going to the mast, which has its merits: beside honing the skill when hell breaks loose, one gets to inspect the rigging regularly.