Monday, December 23, 2013

An awesome week with the Romanos

The Romanos just left... They are great boat guests... easy, helpful, flexible.  It all went like a charm.  They left Agave better than they found it. We had an amazing week together and the one person missing of course was Avi. 

Let's recap the week in pictures:
On & nearby the water:

A manatee drinking fresh water dripping from the dock
By the water:

A ceremony for Opa, the kids'grandfather, ....
...whose ashes are to be disbursed to where ever Natasha travels

At the Marine Turtle's Hospital:

Yep, a turtle's ER...

A turtle with big tumors...
.... now removed.
How can one help these endangered animals?  Click on

Around the dinner table:

Kids'favorite: chicken wings at Lazy Days..

Board games are popular
Yoga anyway one can...

You can't expect to come on Agave and not do some work...
Kehan fixing our flag