Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Togago Cays... 2 magical days and nights.

We left Union island a bit late since we had outboard issues (, for the 3rd time), and called upon a mechanic to try to fix them. [It is still not completely fixed by the way.  Life on a boat...]

The Tobago Cays are a national park consisting of a group of small deserted islands with a reef protecting them on the windward side. There is a turtle-watching area around the island of Baradel.  The water colors are so amazing, you can't stop clicking your camera to try to capture the hues of blue, brown, turquoise, green... so here it is... lots lots of photos....

Getting ready to anchor - we are mesmerized by the turquoise colors.

dropping the anchor with the electric windlass
checking on the bridle

Buying fresh bread and croissants... so convenient.

Exploring Baradel

Snorkeling with the turtles...