Good thing a storm came and that we sought shelter in Spanish Wells. It's a delightful place.
Some fun facts:
- the island is abt 2 miles long and 1/2 mile wide.
- favorite and main mode of transportation: golf carts!
- population: 1,500 or so
- 1st settlers: in 1647 - shipwrecked!
- then crown loyalists who left the US after the revolutionary war.
- main fishing center for crawfish/lobster in the Bahamas.
I loved this little town/island.
Taken by Avi up the mast - trying to fix the windvane... in vane |
At the little museum... very interesting. |
Notice the police car, I mean cart on the left !!! |
Well I the minute I saw this cemetery, I thought about this quote:
"How was culture born? It was born with the cult of the dead, with
the religious worship of ancestors; that began with the pyramid and with
the tumuli built by prehistoric men. All these things are vanishing and
are even extinct. — Ernst Jünger --- or are they?
Well we are off tomorrow morning, so we say or said goodbye to:
Michel & Isabelle on Woof (Wauquiez 41)
Ben (a singlehanded sailor!) on s/v Loon from Solomons, MD!
Carl&Sue on s/v WindRose from Solomons, MD as well!
and the staff at Yacht Haven Marina.