Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Marathon, FL to Spanish Wells, Bahamas

Well, we anchored outside Marathon Marina to have a simple and early departure early Sunday Jan 6 morning.  Winds were strong E, SE, and were supposed to abate.  That day was supposed to be a good weather window to cross the Gulf Stream, but the winds never lit up: 25-30 knots til early afternoon, and 20 kn the rest of the day.  The waves were high and choppy.  The weather was squally, and within 2 1/2 hours, that sent Sayan, Kehan and I down in the cockpit, seasick and incapacitated like rag dolls bouncing around wet and nauseous.  Avi handled the boat marvelously dodging squalls as well as he could.  I got back onto my feet around 1 am.  Shortly after, we got the side of our stack pack stuck in one of our blocks for the mainsheet.  Incapable of controlling the mainsail, we had to drop it.  It took us 3 1/2 hours the next day to untangle the whole mess.

That next morning, we felt so good the boys and I were dancing in the cockpit, and had a great day despite the fact that we motored all the way to Spanish Wells, north of Eleuthera, in the Bahamas -- the winds were light or non-existent.

Drying gloves after a very wet 24 hours...

Oh and by the way, our brand new wireless wind transducer and display stopped working on day 2... @#%%$ ! That means another trip up the mast with no guarantee once the winds die down here in Spanish Wells.