Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Turtle Hospital Report

  On Saturday the 21st of December 2013 my family and the Romano family went to the Turtle Hospital.  The Turtle Hospital is a small hospital where rescue turtles, rehabilitate them and then release them. Their slogan is RESCUE, REHAB, RELEASE.

 About Turtles
Sea turtles eat jellyfish, conch, crab, shrimp, and anything else easy to catch.  But when they are older they are herbivores they eat stuff like sea grass.  Turtles have really strong jaws so that they can break the shell of a conch or a crab.  There are 7 types of sea turtles in the world.  There is the Green, Hawksbill, Leather Back, Kemp ridley, Loggerback, Olive Ridley, and Flatback.


Turtles can get tumors, boat strikes, intestinal blockage, and others.  A tumor is a swelling part of the body.  A boat strike is when a boat’s propeller hits a turtle’s shell causing spine and internal organ damage.

What the turtle hospital does to help

The turtle hospital helps by applying surgery and then lets them rest in a pool type of thing for a week to a month.  Then they take the turtle back to where they found it and releases it.

Names of current patients and their injuries:
Corona: 28 lbs found floating and struggling at the surface.
Chris: 7 lbs tumors
Amethyst: 15 lbs had tumors may be released soon
Brett: 113 lbs intestinal blockage
Emerald: 13 lbs tumors
Gizmo: 80 lbs intestinal blockage
Archie: 17 lbs covered in tumors including both eyes
Ron: 10 lbs netted on a coral reef due to heavy load of tumors
Chance: 70 lbs old boat hit caused deformation of shell and has one small tumor
Augustus: 10 lbs heavy load of tumors
Moses: 14 lbs 6 inch split in shell from boat hit
Elena: boat strike causing fractures in head and carapace.  Some tumors
Captain Z: 20 lbs tumors
Zippy: 2 lbs perfectly healthy is a show turtle for at schools
Jack: 5 lbs tumors
Katie Love: 23 lbs tumors
Chuy: 40 lbs missing left front flipper.  Tumors
Curly: 5 lbs lethargy
Dash: 15 lbs tumors
Mae: 10 lbs tumors
Fitzy: 30 lbs tumors
Jimbo: 65 lbs - 3.1 lb tumor (record breaking)
Hook: 18 lbs tumors
Timmy: 7 lbs tumors

Zippy the small one who has no problem and is a show turtle for schools.

The weights on the back of this turtle make it so that the turtle can dive down underwater.