We made it from Spanish Wells, Bahamas to St Thomas in the USVI in 12 days/11 nights . Winds and waves on our nose 11 days of that passage... it was bumpy, arduous, exhausting, wet, exhilarating and amazing all at the same time.
First we headed due East to reach the meridian 65 deg west. Once there, "the plan" was to turn south and have a great sleigh ride down with winds perpendicular to us (beam reach). Of course, it did not work out, and the winds kept on blowing from the south. So it felt a bit like the road to nowhere... what to do? go straight towards Africa? turn left towards Bermuda? Obviously, we bit the bullet, and continued a bit east until we managed to turn south. No beam reaching until the day of our arrival which made me forget all the difficulties of the passage: we entered the beautiful, gorgeous Virgin Islands with a perfect point of sail for Agave... it was just incredible...
The boys, on the other hands, adapted very well to the passage. Initially the 3 of us had severe seasickness for about 24-36 hours. Avi handled the boat and the 3 of us effortlessly - or at least it seemed like it! The boys then settled into long days of just quiet reading and fishing when the seas were not too boisterous.
We plotted our position regularly |
Checking if all is well under the hulls... and everything was. |
Before and.. |
... After.
Fish Identification |

Boys spent days reading... |

Crown Bay Marina - on St Thomas in Charlotte-Am
And we say bye to Carlos and Marc on s/catamaran Christina (L47) who helped bring Avi up the mast yet one more time to fix some stuff.